Friday, May 20, 2011

Photojournalism Friday: Barn Rhapsody

The Prude promised Photojournalism Friday would have few words so she will restrain herself from
bemoaning the decline of barns in America and share some photos and facts:

Many barns were painted red when rust (or blood- yes- blood) was mixed with linseed oil to protect the wood, and inhibit the fungi and mosses that like to grow on the wood.
The Prude is not sure if the moss usually grew on the north side of the barns,
but she is positive no blood was used in the paint on this barn.

White barns (if you squint you can tell these are white–it was the only photo The Prude has with white barns) were usually milking barns and the white color was meant to assure milk purchasers that the milk was as pure and white as the barn. The bluish hue of these barns could indicate they specialize in skim milk.

The Prude saw many black barns on a recent trip to Kentucky. They are painted black, don't y'all know, because they were built as tobacco barns. The dark color retained the heat and dried the tobacco faster.
And the hex sign? Some people say the Pennsylvania Dutch put them on barns to ward off evil spirits, but most believe they were 'Chust for nice.'

Y'all chust have a nice weekend!

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