Monday, December 26, 2011

Politics with the Prude

Today is Boxing Day in various Accented-English speaking nations.
Happy Boxing Day.
The Prude was going to share some trifles about Boxing Day customs (helping the poor, killing foxes and wrens) and then cap it off with the surprising news that, just as American retailers have turned Thanksgiving into Black Friday Eve,
the English, Australians et al have made Boxing Day a holiday to line up before dawn at department stores for bargains.

But she decided to take a different direction.
For the next several days leading up to the Iowa Primary she will fill you in on the Republican front runners and back trotters.

Knowledge is power.
The next best thing is a pile of unrelated fact and innuendo.
If The Prude can’t provide you with the former she will do her best to fill you with the latter.

So, take a deep breath.
Enjoy Boxing Day by helping the poor, hunting small animals and bopping other frenzied shoppers for the best deals.

Because tomorrow (working in alphabetical order) we will
Meet and Greet Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann.


ScheltyDebate said...

I can't wait! :) Greatly looking forward to any little snippets you might have found on these peeps!

Suef said...

I am looking forward to this! And how you can make your lead in post so entertaining is amazing.