Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cockle Warming

When the weather is like this:

The Prude opens all of these:

Heats them all up in this:

Tops with these:

And enjoys it all with a glass of milk.

That is how The Prude warms the cockles of her stomach on a cold, wet day.


Lisa Lickel said...

ya know, I'd join you for breakfast with this...where's the jalapenos? and my spoon? I can just lean over the sink.

Lori Lipsky said...

Yesterday was the perfect day for this! I should make it again. I remember getting the "recipe" from you years ago. Sally loved it and Mark was out of town both times, so we should try it again when he's home.

I could add Lisa's suggestion of jalapeƱos, but only in Mark's.