Thursday, December 1, 2011

Candy cane creamer in the pumpkin spice coffee

The Prude is living in limbo.
Thanksgiving was early this year.
Prude rules dictate no Christmas decorating till December.
But they also require that Thanksgiving decorations come down right after Thanksgiving.
Add the ‘chop your own Christmas tree from farms open only on weekends’ rule
and the Prude’s home is suspended between Thanksgiving and Christmas, between autumn and winter, between rusts and golds and pumpkin, and silver and white and candy cane.

It looks blah.

She should have imitated the float design below.

Toss Prude rules to the wind and leave all the Thanksgiving decorations up while
jamming the Christmas decorations on top of them.

Instead she has bare surfaces in her house and nothing to do with them till we get the Christmas tree on Saturday.

A quick consultation with the Prude’s Rules of Holiday and Seasonal Decorating reminds me that no new decorations shall be put up till all surfaces are thoroughly cleaned and polished.  
Is there a rule covering what kind of music to play during the inter-seasonal cleanup?

(Special thanks to my daughter-in-law Danielle who inspired the title by doing exactly that)


Susan said...

Faultersack rules say the Christmas tree is chopped down the day after Thanksgiving, no exceptions, no matter what the weather. The rest of the weekend is spent decorating. What's cleaning??

The Prude said...

Susan, I may need to adopt some of your rules.

Di said...

I think Susan is my long lost twin. Those are my rules EXACTLY. And her sentiment on cleaning? Well, AMEN! sister. AMEN!

In our home the big holidays are Easter, Thanksgiving, TREE DAY (day after said TGiv day) and Christmas. Unfortunately, retail sons had to work and miss one of our high and holy days. Drat.


Lori Lipsky said...

I LOVE the new photo at the top. It's adorable. The new background color is fun--now I see it's a whole new design. Well done you!

Suef said...

I love the new photo too! And I'm with Susan about the cleaning. I'm am also in AZ. My house is a mess of Thanksgiving not put away and Christmas started anyway. But since I'm not there I'm fine with it!