Thursday, January 13, 2011

Delay of Zeus

Do you suffer from too much to do in too little time?
Are you stressed about unfinished projects?
Are there undertakings around your home and yard and garage and basement that you have not yet undertaken?
Is your family under-motivated to bring your plans to fruition so you need to call in outside help?
Do the messes created by your grand schemes, or the lack of  appreciation for your hard work cause you to be downhearted?
Do everyday irritations like lack of funds or an overthrow of your empire impede your progress?

If so, take heart.
The ancient Greeks suffered from many of the same slings and arrows that outrageous fortune lobs at 21st century project-undertakers, but it didn’t stop them from almost building the ruins we enjoy today.

Dear friend and faithful reader Lori shared some fascinating information and photos of the Temple of  Zeus.
To be more precise- what is left of it.
Lori, and hundreds of thousands of people every year, pay good money to go see the 15 columns that are left of the original 104.

Let’s use ‘original’ loosely.
This was not a weekend warrior project.
It started in the 6th century BC.
The financiers ran out of money. Delay of project.
The son of the ruler with the temple dream was overthrown. Another delay.
Some persnickety Greeks decided that the temple made them look too big for their britches in the eyes of the gods. Long delay.
They hired a foreign contractor to come in but he died and- you guessed it- delay ensued.
To add insult to injury, it was vandalized by an upstart Roman.
You have to assume that somebody at one point said, “And this seemed like such a good idea before we got started.”

700 YEARS LATER it was finally finished.
And then it got hit by an earthquake and started to fall over.
Today all that is left are 14 columns. Which, as previously stated, people pay good money to see and exclaim over.

Take heart. That unfinished afghan, the half-painted room, the partially finished basement.
Someday someone may pay good money to see them.

Remember, if the Ancient Greeks couldn’t do it, neither can you. You are in good company.


Lori Lipsky said...

Loved this one, Prude! It's both inspiring and comforting.

Tammy said...

Excellent post!

Sue Vick Finley said...

I agree with Lori!